Appreciation Blog Post

This blog is for those people in my life who's always been there for me good times or in bad times. People, who never leave me despite of my not-so-good attitude sometimes, people who accept my imperfection and my flaws. This blog post is to admire them for being such a good friend in my life. But first let me thank first to my: PARENTS She is always been my best friend. Actually, I'm not that kind of oh-so-closey daughter that sharing something to her mother, I'd rather tell it to my friends than my mother, I do share stories sometimes not secrets. But even if I'm always like that I really love my mother not only because she always gave me what I want and spoils me but also because she's so caring as in! , she never forget to take care of us even if we're old enough unlike before. She always packed our lunch, clean our mess, laundry our clothes and etc. She's so caring, and oh...