Appreciation Blog Post

           This blog is for those people in my life who's always been there for me good times or in bad times. People, who never leave me despite of my not-so-good attitude sometimes, people who accept my imperfection and my flaws. This blog post is to admire them for being such a good friend in my life. But first let me thank first to my:


          She is always been my best friend. Actually, I'm not that kind of oh-so-closey daughter that sharing something to her mother, I'd rather tell it to my friends than my mother, I do share stories sometimes not secrets. But even if I'm always like that I really love my mother not only because she always gave me what I want and spoils me but also because she's so caring as in! , she never forget to take care of us even if we're old enough unlike before.  She always packed our lunch, clean our mess, laundry our clothes and etc. She's so caring, and oh, not because she's doing that but also because I really felt the love she's always giving us. I really love her so much. I salute her mother hood. 
          Same as my father I don't share any secrets to him. I thank him and admire him for being so hard working, even if they're so tired they still keep on working for us just to fulfill our needs. My father is a short tempered person like me hahaha, but I love him!! I salute him also, for being such a good father to us. My message for my parents is "I'm so luck to be your Daughter, and Luckiest because you're my parents. If someone will let me choose for my parents, I will choose you both as my parents over and over again" 

         After my parents!! Ten ten ten tennnn.... My goodies frenny, People who stayed in my life no matter what! People who I met only last year but captured my heart deeply. Here they are : 
           I just met her last year first day of school, I talked to her hahahha coz I'm friendly. I'll make it short so we become very close. I already treated her as my sister, we always shared secrets. I love her!! Because she's so kind, and caring yet "kuripot" I always felt her caring side every day and she's not hard to approach. I thank her because, in times of drama she's always there, she always open her ears to listen and mind to advice. So Mv thank you for always listening, thank youu for always catching me when they're leaving me behind, Thank you for staying by my side. You never failed to amaze me in your kindness I LOVE YOU and THANK YOU for EVERYTHING.

           She's my long time best friend. We already know each other, from attitude, personality, likes and dislike and etc. I already thank her on Facebook, but I will thank her too here. She's so hilarious and sweet girl, very very sweet girl and childish!!! But I love her, she's generous and willing to give you anything sometimes kuripot but it doesn't matter. So Thank you jasmine for being such a good friend!! Thank youuuuu because you never leave me maybe sometimes when you met someone you'll forget about me, But it’s okay I know I'm hard to forget hahaha jk. I know I have this space in your heart and it will never replace by someone, I know I'm forever in your heart and I know you love me too. Thank you so much I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU for EVERYTHING.

         This girl is so lazy to go to school I'm always pursuing her but she's just saying "Sige, oo, promise" But not a woman in her word. But even if she's always like that I will never get tired of doing what's good for her, even if its annoyed her. It matters because it will became a huge impact to her studies. Anyways, even if she's lazy there's a lot of good things about her like, She's very very generous she's this kind of girl that even if nothing lefts with her it’s okay just to give you what you need and it makes her happy. She's not hard to approach, when you need something she will listen, she's very very kind and I love it. Thank you Karla for always listening to my rants, thank you for always there when I'm needed. THANK YOU for everything I LOVE YOU and please don't change 

          This indiana girl, First I'm so happy that I have a friend from other country. This Jazpreet is fiercer hahahaha, she's so "pranka" she will tell when she hates you, she will tell you her rants, she will fight if she thinks it’s right. I love her, I really love her hahaha she's this kind of friend that will fight for you, and be with you in terms of fighting. I love it when I'm annoying her and it's effective hahaha, I love teasing her she's so pikon. I thank her because I never thought we’ll become this close knowing that she's from another country, I thank her for making me happy when we were arguing hahahah , I thank her for being so sweet too. It makes me sad knowing that Jazpreet will migrate to Canada in grade 12.  THANK YOU for your kindness and I LOVE YOU, I hope you won't change and don't forget about me ha? 
Before I forgot, I will just include someone who made a big big part in my life, a man that never fails to makes me happy and amaze me. No other than:
        This man is everything to me, I always thank him for entering my life. We always fight but he’s always swallowing his pride for me but sometimes it’s too much and I understand it. I will just thank him because when I’m alone he’s always there to come and join me, when my friends are turning behind me he never left me, when me and my friends are fighting he’s there to comfort me,  when I felt left behind he’s there to prove that I always have him, when I did something wrong he’s there to correct me, when I have problem he’s there to contribute a solution, when I doubt  myself  he’s always there to tell me that “Kaya mo yan, Ikaw pa ba?” and it makes me believe in myself, when I’m sad he always tells a joke, when I’m tired he always buy me food, when I need someone? He’s always one call away, and many more, He's like a shoulder to lean on. I always thank him for being a good friend, family, boyfriend, advicer, and a man of his word. I also thank him for spoiling just like my parents, He always give me what makes me happy. Thank you for everything you did for me it’s countless and I’m sorry for everything! I hope you won’t change, I know it’s not permanent but we trust the Lord that he will give what’s right for us. Thank you lord for giving me this man, THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

          This people really marks on my heart, And it breaks my heart if they will forget about me. Thank youuu for making my life happy and for being there. I LOVE YOU, and my love for you guys are all equal. I'm not expecting that this friendship will last forever, because I used to it that people I get close always forget about me and leave me. I will just enjoy what we have now and I will let the Lord decide what will happen next. I thank the lord for giving me you guys, I know it's not perfect but it's worth it.



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