Smiling and Laughing Reduce Stress. Since body language and mood are so linked, it makes sense that laughing on purpose helps us too. Smiling relaxes the facial muscles and calms the nervous system. Laughing sends more oxygen to the brain. When we feel great, a smile comes naturally. It's an outward sign of joy, happiness, appreciation, amusement, excitement, or contentment. It's not natural to smile when we're sad or upset. But it turns out that smiling might be the best thing to do when you're ready to shift into a brighter mood. This blog is for those people who forget to smile because they are hurt, broken, stress, depressed and etc. There’s a lot of reasons why we should smile, instead of hurting our feelings.

Smile! You are Beautiful.
Here are 10 reasons people should smile more:
1.   Smiling is a Universal Language we all understand
2.   Smiling spreads joy
3.   Smiling makes you more attractive
4.   Smiling is contagious
5.   Smiling requires less effort than frowning because fewer facial muscles are used.
6.   Smiling builds relationships. It bridges the gaps between us.
7.   Smiling puts you and others at ease
8.   Smiling makes you more confident
9.   Smiling changes your brain chemistry
10.                     Smiling attracts more of the same energy* to you.

So guys! Cheer up and smiles, don’t think of your problem, Let your problem think of you. In addition, I read facts about smiling on google. So here it is:

Smiling Can Lift a Bad Mood
        Scientists have found that smiling on purpose can help people feel better. Just the simple act of putting a smile on your face can lead you to feel actual happiness, joy, or amusement.
Smiling on purpose changes brain chemistry. So it can be a big help to people who are dealing with depression and anxiety. But how do you smile if you're not feeling it?

Fake It Till You Make It
        Our body language can influence our emotions. In one study, researchers discovered that people who stood in a confident way actually felt more confident. In another study, people who intentionally put on a facial expression (like a smile or a frown) ended up feeling the emotion that went with it.
Smiling and Laughing Reduce Stress
        Smiling relaxes the facial muscles and calms the nervous system. Laughing sends more oxygen to the brain. That triggers the release of brain chemicals called endorphins. These chemicals help us feel positive. Laughing can lower blood pressure, relieve stress, and boost mood.
Here's a simple exercise from Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh to help you tap into the benefits of smiling:
As you breathe in, say to yourself:

“Breathing in, I calm body and mind.”
Then, as you breathe out, think:
“Breathing out, I smile.”
By repeating this simple breathing exercise several times, you're relaxing your nervous system and countering stress.

Smiling Helps Us Bond with Others
        Because smiling and laughing are contagious, they help people bond. Smiling sends a friendly signal that usually results in the other person smiling back. One important purpose of smiling might be that it creates social bonds. Scientists have even found that we connect in a physical way when we share a smile or a positive emotion. Our breathing and heart rates sync up, bringing powerful benefits to our health and well-being.
So, the next time someone tells you to "cheer up" when you're in a low mood, own it. Your shared happiness might end up making that person feel happier too.

        I hope this blog, really help people who’s not happy in their life, if you are hurt and can’t find yourself, smiling is the best cure for all of our problems. If you lost your hope living in this world you should think first on your family, friends, and love ones. It will make your lips curved reminiscing lots of good things happened in your life with them. Keep smiling because life’s a beautiful thing and there so much reasons to smile about.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead PRAY about everything”

                     –Philippians 4:6


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